
Accelerate your enterprise AI adoption now

Enable your team to deliver custom enterprise AI with no friction at a fraction of the time and say goodbye to unneeded complexity in your data and AI infrastructure stack.

Open-Source Framework
A versatile and modular open-source framework designed for building AI apps and workflows with your existing databases.
  • Perfect for small-scale projects and initial prototyping
  • Seamless integrations with SQL and NoSQL databases
  • Vector search embedding generation with your existing database
  • Fully compatible with large language models (LLMs)
  • Includes fundamental AI workflow templates
Open-Source Framework icon
Enterprise (Self-hosted)
Pricing upon request
A cloud-native Kubernetes platform offering scalable runtime, a Web UI as well as preconfigured AI applications and workflows.
  • Perfect for enterprise teams of any size
  • Deployable across public clouds, private clouds, or on-premises
  • Scalable architecture
  • Preconfigured AI applications and workflow templates
  • Comprehensive admin and configuration web interface
  • Custom AI development / Data science consulting
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Enterprise (Self-hosted) icon 2
Snowflake Native App
Coming soon
A Snowflake native app with all features of the enterprise version.

  • Perfect for Snowflake users
  • Delivered as a Snowflake Native App, ensuring isolation among multiple users
  • Runs in Snowpark Container Services, eliminating data transfer hassles
  • More cost-efficient compared to traditional cloud providers
Snowflake Native App icon

Start implementing AI
with your data today
Start implementing AI
with your data today

Reach out to us to learn more about Superduper, our enterprise solutions and how they help you to solve your AI challenges.